Company Overview

As a financial advisor focusing in retirement and insurance planning, Scott MacDonald has been helping people achieve financial confidence and peace of mind since 1996. He understands that there can be a lot of confusion around all the different options available to maximize and protect what you’ve worked so hard for, and he has a way of breaking through the clutter and making even the most complex concepts easy for people to understand.

Scott looks at the big picture, not just one piece of the puzzle, and offers a full suite of services including elder planning, retirement planning, business planning, estate planning, multigenerational wealth transfer, asset protection and insurance, and money management. He prides himself on going above and beyond for his clients, providing them with a level of service that far exceeds their expectations.

No matter where you are on your financial journey, whether you’ve done a lot of preparation or none at all, Scott will meet you where you are and empower you with the information and tools you need to make the wisest possible decisions moving forward.

Our Strategic Alliances

Effective financial strategies often requires a team of experts working together to serve your best interests. In such situations, we act as the quarterback who makes sure everyone is working together to achieve the best possible results. If you have existing team members you trust, such as your CPA or attorney, we are happy to work with them, and we can also bring in our subject-matter experts as needed. Some of our strategic alliances are detailed below.

Eagle Strategies LLC
Advanced Planning Group
New York Life

Learn more about our strategic alliances